01522 88 88 84

 35 Redwood Drive, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, LN5 9BN

Fees and Services


We offer 2 Levels of Letting service:

  • Tenant find (set to let) - Minimum £600 set up fee
  • Managed (Let and Forget) - Minimum £400 set up fee & 12 % per month management charge

See below for an outline of what is included in our services.

Kinetic Lettings Services


  • Holding deposits - 1 weeks rent
  • Deposits - 5 weeks' rent for annual rent below £50,000, or 6 weeks' rent for annual rental of £50,000 and above.
  • Payments to change a tenancy agreement eg. change of sharer - £50.00
  • Payments associated with early termination of a tenancy - Covering the landlord's loss or the agent's reasonably incurred costs for example cost of set up fee
  • Where required, utilities (electricity, gas or other fuel, water, sewerage), communication services "telephone, internet, cable/satellite television), TV licence; - tenants responsibility unless stated in tenancy agreement
  • Council tax (payable to the billing authority); - tenants responsibility unless stated in tenancy agreement
  • Reasonable costs for replacement of lost keys or other security devices; - a new standard door key could be valued between £3-£10, a specialist door key between £5-£20 or a replacement key fob up to £50; there may be circumstances where it is necessary to pay more and ALL claims will be supported by evidence from the landlord/agent of costs and be reasonable
  • Contractual damages in the event of the tenant's default of a tenancy agreement; - quotes would always be obtained for the tenant so they know the costs.
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