01522 88 88 84

 35 Redwood Drive, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, LN5 9BN

Complaint procedure

For the sale and purchase of residential property our Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) entity is The Property Redress Scheme.

We can help

Tell us what part of our service or procedure you are unhappy about and what you would like us to do to resolve the matter. You can do this by writing to:-

The Directors
Kinetic Estate Agents Limited
35 Redwood Drive

Alternatively you may forward details of your dissatisfaction by email to: complaints@kineticestateagents.co.uk

If you prefer you may telephone on 01522 888884 or visit the Lincoln Branch in person.

Putting your complaint in writing helps us to ensure we have understood all your issues and concerns, which in turn ensures we investigate them fully and fairly. Regardless of how we receive your complaint we will acknowledge receipt in writing within 3 working days.

The process

  • Your complaint will be considered by the Directors of the company
  • You will be advised, in the written acknowledgement, who is to be responsible for investigating your complaint.
  • You will receive a detailed response within 7 days of our receiving your complaint.

If further time is required to say, receive reports from a third party, then you will receive a written explanation for any delay at the end of the 7 working day time frame.

  • If we do not hear from you within a further eight weeks from the date of our response, we will assume the matter has been addressed and we will close our file.
  • Should you have concerns in the meantime, please contact the member of staff whose name appears on the letter of acknowledgement.

Still unhappy?

After receiving our response, if you feel your complaint has not been fully addressed, please let us know.

  • Your communication will be acknowledged within three working days of receipt.
  • Your concerns will be considered by a different Director who has not been involved in the initial review of your complaint.
  • A second response will be issued within 14 working days of our receipt of your request for a further review. If we are unable to respond within this time frame, we will inform you of this and we will also advise you of when we anticipate being able to answer your concerns, at the same time as informing you of your right to appeal to a third party.

What happens next?

We are committed to ensuring all complaints are fully and fairly addressed. We respect your right to take any unresolved complaint to an appropriate third party for dispute resolution. Therefore in our final letter to you we will always confirm when a ‘deadlock’ situation has been reached, which signals that we have come to the end of our internal complaints procedure and that you may now progress your issues to our Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) entity which is The Property Redress Scheme.

The Property Redress Scheme Details are as follows:

Property Redress Scheme Premiere House
1st Floor
Elstree Way

Tel – 0333 3219418

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